Wheal Peevor Mine

This page covers both West Peevor and the Wheal Peevor Mine sites.

In total there are five surviving engine houses in a relatively small area, the Peevor Mine is adjacent to the A30 and is a familiar landmark to passing motorists. The area was reclaimed and stabilised during 2005-2007. The engine houses also received much needed structural restoration. However the underground access to a major site was lost.

The images on this page are ordered as if the visitor is walking up the valley from the west to Wheel Peevor main site. All these images were taken during the late 1990’s.
Wheal Peevor Mine 1 – Firstly a view of the 50″ Pumping Engine House on Mitchell’s Shaft, West Peevor Mine.

West Peevor Mine is situated in the valley below the main site. The two engine houses here were erected during 1882. A 50″ Pumping Engine on Mitchell’s Shaft and a 22″ Stamps Engine. There was also a winding house but only the base survives somewhere in the gorse. The mine was closed during 1887.

Wheal Peevor Mine 2 – An interior image of the 50″ Pumping Engine House on Mitchell’s Shaft.
However the story was not over. During the 1960’s the mine was re-investigated in an effort to intersect the Wheal Peevor lodes. During this process a concrete plinth was erected in front of the engine house to mount an electric hoist, also the building was reduced in size.
Wheal Peevor Mine 3 – This is taken from the pumping house on Mitchell’s Shaft. Looking towards the Stamps House across the capped shaft.
After a favorable drilling programme the shaft was re-opened and investigated to a depth of 170ft. At this point the miners found a blockage which proved impossible to shift. Subsequently the shaft was capped and the project was abandoned.
Wheal Peevor Mine 4 – Mitchell’s Engine House surrounded by gorse.
Wheal Peevor Mine 5 – One of the surviving secondary buildings. When I last went back the whole area was very overgrown.
Wheal Peevor Mine 6 – A second building at the mine, possibly a Smithy. The three Engine Houses of Wheal Peevor are in the background.
Wheal Peevor Mine 7 – Another picture of the same building. Also in the background is the remains of one of the mine’s Calciners.
Wheal Peevor Mine 8 – The 22″ Stamps Engine House. Sadly the majority of the wing wall had collapsed with the remaining blocks ready to go.
Wheal Peevor Mine 9 – In the foreground is the Stamps Engine House. This and the other to follow were taken with permission, on private land.
Wheal Peevor Mine 10 – The other side of the Engine House, also showing the bad condition of the stonework.
Wheal Peevor Mine 11 – The front of the Engine House, the stonework here had suffered as well.
Wheal Peevor Mine 12 – The three Engine Houses of Wheal Peevor, framed by one wall of the Stamps Engine House.
Wheal Peevor Mine 13 – The same image from the other side of the Stamps Engine House, the base of the chimney is on the left.
Wheal Peevor Mine 14 – On the approach to the main site, looking back at the Stamps Engine House.
Wheal Peevor Mine 15 – This is the classic view of the three engine house survival of Wheal Peevor, possibly the best remaining in Cornwall. From left to right; Stamps, Pumping and Whim Houses. The latter two were always at right angles to each other across the main shaft.
The original Wheal Peevor Mine dates back to the 18th Century when the site was worked as part of Great North Downs Mine producing Copper from shallow deposits. The mine proper started in 1872 with the erection of the remains we see today.
Cornish Mine Images 16 – The first view of the Calciners walking up the valley.

The underground workings were concentrated at around 40 Fathoms below adit level on a rich lode of Tin which assayed at around 4% Tin. Because the usual recovery was 1.5% this kept the mine in profit whilst others failed.

There are two Calciners on the site which were built to process Arsenic which was a valuable by-product.

Cornish Mine Images 17 – A more detailed image of the Calciner. In the foreground is a mounting block for some long removed machinery.
Cornish Mine Images 18 – One of the buddles, this was used to concentrate the Tin material.
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Cornish Mine Images 19 – My favorite image, a view of the engine houses framed by the Calciner.
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Cornish Mine Images 20 – The Stamps Engine House in the foreground, with the Pumping Engine in the background.
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Cornish Mine Images 21 – The Stamps Engine from a different angle. The house held a 32″ beam engine which drove a battery of Cornish Stamps.
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Cornish Mine Images 22 – Another image of the Stamps Engine House. The foundations date from 1912 when a gas oil engine was installed to drive a battery of 20 heads of Californian Stamps.
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Cornish Mine Images 23 – An amazing thing to see, when the Californian Stamps were installed during 1912, Brick Mason Thomas Wedlock of St Day left his mark.
Both the mines were abandoned in 1887 due the low price of Tin. During its lifetime the mine produced a total of 3,280 Tons of Tin.
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Cornish Mine Images 24 – Walking on the path past the Stamps House gives a good view of the 70″ Pumping Engine House on Sir Frederick’s Shaft.
The site then lay idle until 1912 when there was a plan to mine Wolfram which was believed to be present. New machinery was also installed but this attempt was abandoned after the end of the First World War.
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Cornish Mine Images 25 – Looking across the open shaft towards the 18″ Whim Engine House. When the site was stabilised the shaft was made safe and grilled over. The shaft was drained by the County Adit at 48 fathoms, eventually the depth reached was 170 fathoms.
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Cornish Mine Images 26 – The remarkable survival of the boiler house arch at Sir Frederick’s Shaft.
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Cornish Mine Images 27 – A final image of Sir Frederick’s Shaft Engine House from the front, the Whim House is in the background. The front wall shows the sad condition of the stonework before the stabilisation. Originally this held a 60″ engine with a framework (lattice) beam dating from 1835. When the mine was reworked during 1912 the 70″ engine was installed.

Wheal Uny Mine


error: Copyright Simon Jones 2022