In 2018 I was fortunate to have an invitation from Holman-Wilfley Ltd to come and have a look at the factory in Pool. The factory is situated across the road from South Crofty Mine.
So where better to have a leading manufacture of mining equipment based.
Holman-Wilfley Ltd 1: A technician working on the production of Holman 8000 Deck.
Tracy and I had a very interesting look around. My thanks go to David Goldburn and Adam Bailey for giving up their valuable time to show us the factory and workshops. The following is taken from their website: Holman Wilfley
Holman-Wilfley Ltd 2: An Holman 8000 Deck in the early stages of preparation. The techniques used in the manufacture are all traditional. The tables are all hand assembled by a small team of skilled workers.
Holman Wilfley Ltd is one of the worlds most established and recognised suppliers of shaking tables. They have been manufacturing gravity concentration equipment for the past 20 years. The company originally set up on the Wheal Jane mine site in Cornwall. During 1998 it relocated to larger premises in 2011 at Pool in Redruth next to South Crofty Mine.
Holman-Wilfley Ltd 3: A Wilfley 7000 Deck, the well construction is underway.
The company inherited the licensed OEM Holman and Wilfley technology from the original manufacturers. This makes them the only global company that still produces the well established, genuine premium brand gravity tables.
Holman-Wilfley Ltd 4: Decks in various stages of early construction mounted on the jigs.Holman-Wilfley Ltd 5: More 8000 decks, these have a deck area of 7.5 sq meters.
Both the Holman and Wilfley shaking tables have been in use for the best part of a century. The company have been continuously developing the design, construction methods and materials to improve the product lines. They remain the preferred supplier of high quality gravity separation equipment to the mining, minerals and recycling industries.
Holman-Wilfley Ltd 6: Technician fettling the deck in the final stages of the preparation.
There are two areas of construction. The images above were all taken in the first workshop where the decks are constructed from quality softwood timber and marine grade plywood.
The remaining images on the page were taken in the main construction area. Here the tables are covered with a heavy duty 5mm rubber sheeting, motors are mounted along with all the other ancillary components. On completion all the tables are well packed ready for distribution to the customer.
Holman-Wilfley Ltd 7: This image is of the Main Assembly Factory. There are product launders in the trailer, and a 2000 under assembly on the left. Finally a completed 8000 deck is on the right.Holman-Wilfley Ltd 8: This image is of a completed 8000 deck.Holman-Wilfley Ltd 9: This is the welding and cutting area.Holman-Wilfley Ltd 10: Decks lined up ready for shipping to anywhere in the world.Holman-Wilfley Ltd 11: This is the main factory floor from an elevated position. Holman-Wilfley Ltd 12: Tables in the final stages of construction.Holman-Wilfley Ltd 13: A “Sand” deck 8000. The rubber is in the process of being mounted on the deck. Also the riffles on the surface can be clearly seen.Holman-Wilfley Ltd 14: The same deck from the other side.Holman Wilfley Ltd 15: This is a Gold cleaner 2000 Machine prior to shipping. Commonly used in the recovery of Gold and other precious metals from low tonnage streams.Holman Wilfley Ltd 16: Wrapped and protected head motion, ready for shipping.Holman Wilfley Ltd 17: The completed table from the other side.Holman Wilfley Ltd 18: Completed 800 Decks also ready for shipping.Holman Wilfley Ltd 19: Drills and Punches required for the manufacture of the tables.Holman Wilfley Ltd 20: Wilfley Head motions on the right, painted and ready for assembly.Holman Wilfley Ltd 21: This is the head motion assembly and testing room.Holman Wilfley Ltd 22: Finally every shaking table that leaves the factory has the makers sticker.
What a great operation. I have seen these tables in use many times, it was a privilege to see them being constructed. It’s good to know the manufacturing of these table has an assured future.