Picture Gallery 2: Many things can be photographed. Certainly the great thing about Black and White is the light and the shadows give the image depth and feeling. The opportunities for textures, patterns and detail are endless, my feeling is that the world is in colour. But I seem to see in Black and White. There is something special to me for still using film, it’s the following of the whole process from taking the image, to printing in the darkroom.
Image 1 – Amsterdam was an amazingly photogenic city. I took many pictures there and had a lot of fun in my 20’s. (Taking Photographs)Image 2 – Ballidon Quarry in Derbyshire, good contrast on this image with the different shadows.Image 3 – Whilst walking along a disused railway in Derbyshire this building and the chimneys caught my eye, it used to be an old railway cottage.Image 4 – The magic of Black and White, textures and detail really work with this old wooden wheel half hidden in bushes.Image 5 – An image from the 1980’s, one of my favorites. Taken in one of the London Parks in the 1980’s, one of my favorites on this gallery.Image 6 – The detail and patterns on this certainly image works well.Image 7 – This image was taken from the other end of the bridge.Image 8 – One of the bridges of Matlock Bath in Derbyshire, patterns like this are very effective in Black and White photography.
During my younger years I enjoyed wandering the Scottish Higlands on my own. I wish I had taken more photographs.
Image 9 – More detail and texture in this simple image.Image 10 – The Scottish Highlands, an amazing place for light and barren landscapes, this lonely cottage makes a great foreground.Image 11 – A quiet Loch in the Scottish Highlands, I wish I had spent more time wandering around with my cameras.Image 12 – Nice patterns made by the light and shadows in this image, I miss the days when you could walk around quite happily with a camera. These days so much is frowned upon.Image 13 – The final picture on this Picture Gallery 2. When I was walking along Brighton Seafront the empty glasses on a wall outside a bar caught my eye. Pictures like this can only be ever grabbed once.