Welcome to the Cornish Mine Images Website
Welcome to my website. I have built this over many years for Cornwall and all the men who worked in the dark, the heat and the danger so far underground.
This website is built around my love for Traditional 35mm Black and White Film Photography, Cornish Mining History and the wonderful scenery and history of Cornwall. From small beginnings it has grown to 225 pages containing over 4,600 hand printed photographs.

Cornish Mine Images is a site for you to enjoy. Many of the photographs on the pages were taken in the 1990’s and are most certainly unique. It has developed into a resource and I get frequent information and image requests, to which I always help out where I can. All the images on this site are taken, processed then hand printed in my darkroom. Finally then they are scanned in, it is a lot of work which takes a huge amount of time and effort, but it’s worth it. To aid navigation, each page has a link to the next at the base. Useful links to other sites are within the page text.

This is a personal site to which I have had no funding, I make no commercial gain. I do it to give something back to Cornwall and the men who worked and died in the mines that made the area famous. This is an ongoing project that has turned into my life’s work. My Saturday morning’s are spent in the Darkroom adding to the extensive image library. The completion of the 700 South Crofty underground images is my dedication to the Cornish Miner.

I am proud to announce that my first exhibition is now open to the public at Geevor Tin Mine Museum from Sunday 8th October 2023. It is hoped the display of 62 hand printed images will be on show for a year perhaps more. Please make an effort to see it if you are in the area.

Finally, there is a Facebook Page for the site which has become very popular. I post news and new images on there so please like the page. Thank you for all the support, the visitor counter grows every day. Also thanks to my fiance Tracy, who supports me through all my hours in the darkroom, and also accompanies me on walks around her home Cornwall.

Many of these sites are on private land. All images have been taken with permission from the relevant land owner. Mine sites are dangerous places to be, underground even more. So please use common sense. Just because there are images on here, it does not infer access, or that the site is safe to visit.