Geevor Mine Gallery 2016: 1 These images were taken during 2016 on a pleasant day wandering around the site with Tracy. Luckily it was bright and sunny, making it ideal for photography. Many thanks to Colin McClary who arranged an all areas explore for us. Also taking time out of his day to show us around some of the buildings.
Geevor Museum had changed a lot since I last wandered around just after the mine closed. However it still retains that unique atmosphere, it is a very special place and I always enjoy walking the site. I wanted to concentrate on doing some photography of parts I had certainly missed before. Always looking for the unusual angles and textures, but that is what Black and White does to you.
It is a great day out for all the family and highly recommended.

Vertical to 460m deep this is the centre piece of the site, sinking here commenced in 1919. This image was taken very early one fine morning in order to achieve the interesting lighting against a darkened sky.