South Crofty Mine 2018

South Crofty Mine 2018, my thanks as always to Dr Keith Russ who arranged a visit to site for me and Tracy. On a day of sun and heavy showers it was just right for black and white photography.

South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.1: Lit by the early morning sun, the head frame of New Cooks Kitchen shaft. As seen from outside the site.
South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.2: Much of the area in the foreground I understand is destined for housing. Considering how large the South Crofty site was it’s now very much like a hosing estate in places.
South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.3: The top of the head frame seen over the top of long disused buildings.
The rest of the images on this page were taken inside the boundary fence, please remember this is a dangerous site and should not be entered without permission.

In 2016 Strongbow Exploration acquired the assets of South Crofty Mine. Since that date much preparation has been going on for the proposed feasibility study, which if favorable would hopefully be the go ahead recommence mining.

Last year saw a blockage in New Cooks Kitchen’s Shaft successfully removed. This dated back to when the shaft was holed from the decline to provide much needed ventilation. The pumps to dewater the mine are on order and will be delivered during 2019.

The water treatment plant has not been built yet, this will need to be in place before the pumps are started.
South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.4: Prior to the pumps being installed the shaft needed to be examined. A company were engaged to lower a camera down the shaft to conduct an underwater survey. Surprisingly the shaft was found to be clear of blockages to the bottom. (780m)
South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.5: This image shows the winch used in the underwater survey. It is being loaded on the lorry for removal from site.
South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.6: I was surprised that things were moving on so well. To find the shaft clear to the bottom is a major jump forward.
South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.7: The winch is successfully loaded onto the lorry.
South Crofty Mine 2018
South Crofty Mine 2018.8: There is still a lot of clearing to do. No doubt this bulldozer will be very busy soon.
Cornish Mine Images
South Crofty Mine 2018.9: A wider view of the Bulldozer and the shaft head gear behind.
Cornish Mine Images
Cornish Mine Images 2018.10: The shaft area is now securely fenced because of site safety.
The South Winder House at South Crofty has really suffered over the years. The wind has removed many of the wall panels exposing the winder to the light of day. Hopefully the North Winder can be brought back into commission for lowering men down the shaft when the mine is dewatered.
Cornish Mine Images
Cornish Mine Images 2018.11: Almost as iconic as the head frame it served, the South Winder House is not looking its best.
Cornish Mine Images
Cornish Mine Images 2018.12: The South Winder House from the other side.
Cornish Mine Images
Cornish Mine Images 2018.13: The final image on this page is of the South Winder House. Hopefully the winder itself will be rescued from the scrap man. Sadly it can not be used for any reopening as part of its metal bed is cracked.

It has been sad yet fascinating to see how the site has changed over the years. I keep going back to visit, there is a huge part of me that would love to see the old mine come back to life. Best of luck to all concerned, bring the miners back to Cornwall.

South Crofty Mine Mill


error: Copyright Simon Jones 2022