South Crofty Mine Mill 3: So this is the final page of the internal images of the South Crofty mill. Due to the dangerous condition of the Mill buildings they were demolished in during 2013.
South Crofty Mine Mill 3.1 – The first image on this page shows all the Shaking Tables laid out in rows. These were the mainstay of the processing operation.
A great shame, it was one of the last survivals of the 1980’s Tin Processing Industry. Perhaps more should have been done to preserve it, but now it’s too late, gone for ever.
South Crofty Mine Mill 3.2 – These are mounting blocks for the Shaking Tables. South Crofty Mine Mill 3.3 – This image shows some more detail of the Shaking Tables. On the left are the mounts for the tables that were removed after the mill closed, possibly sent to the Wheal Jane Mill.South Crofty Mine Mill 3.4 – The roof area was a mass of pipes which carried the slurry around the plant.South Crofty Mine Mill 3.5 – The Tin Slurry was fed by overhead pipes onto the right hand side of the tables.
The fine Tin was held in water which was fed onto the corner of the table. The table was driven by an electric motor which produced a shaking effect. This movement over a rippled deck caused the Tin material to separate out of the liquid this was then recovered.
South Crofty Mine Mill 3.6 – In the Recovery Plant there were anything from 70 – 100 Shaking Tables.South Crofty Mine Mill 3.7 – The overall recovery of Tin from the mill when it was working was approximately 74%.South Crofty Mine Mill 3.8 – The mine was producing ore at around 1 > 2.5% grade. That means only a tiny percentage of a Ton of rock would contain the metal. So, that is why deep mining was, and is so expensive.Cornish Mine Images 3.9 – The waste material was then fed over more tables so none of the valuable metal was lost. The waste from the mill was fed into the valley below. Here a small independent Tin Works also processed the slurry to win back more Tin.Cornish Mine Images 3.10 – A hopper feed for a conveyor belt in one of the basement areas.Cornish Mine Images 3.11 – These spirals were designed to separate out the fine metal particles from the waste material. The whole upper deck here was full of them.Cornish Mine Images 3.12 – A basement area of the mill, very dark, gloomy and corroded.Cornish Mine Images 3.13 – A wider view of the same image, also machinery was above and either side.Cornish Mine Images 3.14 – The lower areas of the mill were all flooded and dark. The thick mud on the floor was probably full of Tin concentrate.Cornish Mine Images 3.15 – However due to the corrosive nature of the product, much of the metal and machinery had badly deteriorated.Cornish Mine Images 3.16 – A close up of one of the Shaking Tables and its drive motor in the mill. The rippled surface on the deck can be clearly seen.
The next set of images were taken in the Recovery Plant Control room. From here the whole of the recovery process was carefully monitored. Any mistakes could cost the company a large amount of money.
Cornish Mine Images 3.17 – A view of the impressive electrical switchgear used to control the machinery in the mill.Cornish Mine Images 3.18 – Another image of the switchgear.Cornish Mine Images 3.19 – The flow control panel in the control room of the Mill.Cornish Mine Images 3.20 – Using this panel the operator could monitor all the machinery and control the flow of the material in the processing plant. I believe this has been preserved, maybe at King Edward Mine Museum.Cornish Mine Images 3.21 – Finally, at the back of the mill tucked away in the corner was this strange wagon. It looked like a mobile battery or generator.
So much has changed and so much has been lost. It is now mid 2016 and there is talk of a Canadian Company investing in South Crofty Mine. It is early days yet but I wish the venture good luck.